Sermon Content 11/3/24
Swimming Upstream Week 1
Political season is here! In just a few short days, the next President of the USA will be announced, along with new members of Congress and local governments.
In a season of political strife, we as Christians must turn to the Bible and see how God calls us to interact with the world around us.
Read: Matthew 22:15-22, Romans 13:1-8
1. We see that the Pharisees and Herodians, who had opposite views, came to Jesus to try and trap him. What does this show us about how Jesus brings people together?
2. Jesus tells us that we are to give to Caesar what is Caesar's. What are some things that we are to give to Caesar?
3. According to Romans 13, we are to give the government our taxes, submission, respect, prayers, and engagement - regardless of who's in office. Which of these do you struggle with the most? Why does Paul tell us this?
4. The things that belong to God are: our identity, hope, peace, focus, unity, and character. Have you ever given these things to the government instead of God? What would it look like for you to give these things to God instead of the world/politics?
5. What would it look like for us to understand that we are Kingdom citizens before we are American citizens?
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