Sermon Content 10/6/24

Acts Chapter 25

In Acts 25 we see a 2 year gap between when Paul was first charged, and the next events that take place. TWO YEARS! We see Paul forced to wait, and God taking His time. But we know that God has a plan.

Read: Acts 25:1-22

1. Even when God doesn't seem like He is with us, we know that He's always there. What are some ways you try to keep God in mind even when you don't always feel His presence?

2. God is always aware of what we are going through and is actively working to help us. How can this knowledge help us when we are facing times that make us feel impatient?

3. Paul uses his Roman citizenship to appeal to Caesar. How can we use our own rights and privileges for God’s purposes in today’s society?

4. How do we see God's protection over Paul?

5. Festus wanted to do the Jews a favor (v. 9), yet Paul insisted on going to Caesar. How do you handle situations where pleasing people conflicts with doing what’s right?

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