Sermon Content 10/13/24

Acts Chapter 26

Acts chapter 26 shows Paul on trial in front of King Agrippa. Festus is with him during this hearing. We see in this chapter 4 spiritual speed bumps that Paul is faced with.

Read: Acts 26:1-25

1. In verses 1-3 Paul could have got distracted and let King Agrippa have it. Instead he thanked him for the opportunity because Paul knew God had a plan. What times in your life have you experienced Satan trying to distract you from God? How did you handle it?

2. In verses 4-8 Paul is talking about his life pre-Jesus and how he spent his time trying to divide the church. Division is Satan's number 1 strategy when it comes to attacking people. What divisions have you experienced when trying to follow Jesus? How can we seek to build unity with people we disagree with?

3. In verse 18 Paul says he did what God told him to do. Another speed bump we face is disobedience towards God. Do you feel like you are being obedient to the things God is calling you to do? What has happened when you were disobedient to God?

4. In verses 24-25 we see the last speed bump for our faith: discouragement. Festus stands up and yells that Paul is fool, out of his mind. Have you ever faced discouragement when it comes to your faith in Jesus? How did you handle it? Was there a better way to handle it?

5. In verses 28-29 we see that Paul says he is doing all this with the hope that King Agrippa would become just like Paul - minus the chains. Are you following God in such a way that you can say the same thing as Paul here?

6. What changes need to be made in your life to help you better say what Paul says in verse 29? 

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